Selected Publications

See the full publication profile of Lutz Maicher at 

ResearchGateExternal link



A virtual "Werkstatt"

Image: Lutz Maicher




Samuel, S.; Shadaydeh, M.; Böcker, S.; Brügmann, B.; Bucher, S.-F.; Deckert, V.; Denzler, J.; Dittrich, P.; von Eggeling, F.; Güllmar, D.; Guntinas-Lichius, O.; König-Ries, B.; Löffler, F.; Maicher, L.; Marz, M.; Migliavacca, M.; Reichenbach, J. R.; Reichenstein, M.; Römermann, C.; Wittig, A.

A virtual "Werkstatt" for digitization in the sciencesExternal link

In: Research Ideas and OutcomesExternal link

Categories: Data Management, Open Science


Visualising CAPPA – Career Paths of Patent Attorneys

Image: Kazimir Menzel



Menzel, Kazimir

Visualising CAPPA – Career Paths of Patent AttorneysExternal link


Categories: Data Analytics, Patents, Patent Information, Intellectual Property   


A Survey of Blockchain Technologies for Open Innovation

Lluis de la Rosa, J.; Torres-Padrosa, V.; el-Fakdi, A.; Gibovic, D.; Hornyak, O.; Maicher, L.; Miralles, F.  

A Survey of Blockchain Technologies for Open Innovation  

Conference Paper at World Open Innovation Conference 2017.  

Categories: Data Management, Blockchain, Open Innovation        

A Novel Method for Retrieving Specialisation Profiles - The Case of Patent Agent Firms




Menzel, K.; Maicher, L.

A Novel Method for Retrieving Specialisation Profiles - The Case of Patent Agent FirmsExternal link

In: World Patent Information, volume 51, 2017, doi: 10.1016/j.wpi.2017.11.005.

Categories: Data Analytics, Patents, Patent Information, Intellectual Property    

On Intellectual Property in Online Open Innovation for SME by Means of Blockchain and Smart Contracts



Maicher, L.; Lluis de la Rosa, J.; Gibovic, D.; Torres-Oradosa, V.; Mirailles, F.; el-Fakdi, A.; Bikfalvi, A.

On Intellectual Property in Online Open Innovation for SME by Means of Blockchain and Smart Contracts

Conference Poster at World Open Innovation Conference 2016 (WOIC2016).

Categories: Data Management, Blockchain, Intellectual Property  




Towards A Thesaurus of Plant Characteristics - An Ecological Contribution


Garnier, E.; Stahl, U.; Laporte, M. A.; Kattge, J.; Mougenot, I.; Kuhn, I.; Laporte, B.; Amiaud, B.; Ahrestani, F. S.; Bonisch, G.; Bunker, D. E.; Cornelissen, J. H. C.; Diaz, S.; Enquist, B. J.; Gachet, S.; Jaureguiberry, P.; Kleyer, M.; Lavorel, S.; Maicher, L.; Perez-Harguindeguy, N.; Poorter, H.; Schildhauer, M.; Shipley, B.; Violle, C.; Weiher, E.; Wirth, C.; Wright, I. J.; Klotz, S.

Towards A Thesaurus of Plant Characteristics - An Ecological ContributionExternal link

In: Journal of Ecology, volume 105, issue 2, 2017, doi: 10.1111/1365-2745.12698.

Categories: Data Management


CYGAR - An Open Platform to Investigate Political Decision-Making Processes.

Prilop, M.; Kießling, M.; Menzel, K.; Lehmann, H.; Maicher, L.  

CYGAR - An Open Platform to Investigate Political Decision-Making Processes.External link  

Conference Poster at the 3rd GESIS Computational Social Sciences Winter Symposium.  

Categories: Digitisation, Data Analytics, Data Management

Zukunftschance Digitalisierung - Ein Wegweiser, 2. erw und überarb. Aufl.



Radic, M.; Maicher, L.; Dijk, S.; Große, C.

Zukunftschance Digitalisierung - Ein Wegweiser, 2. erw und überarb. Aufl.External link

Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (ed.), Berlin 2016, doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.30077.36325. 

Categories: SMEs, Digitisation



Retrieving Specialisation Profiles for Patent Service Providers - A Use Case of the Relative Specialisation Index.



Maicher, L.; Menzel, K.

Retrieving Specialisation Profiles for Patent Service Providers - A Use Case of the Relative Specialisation Index.External link

Conference Poster at the Annual Assembly of the Michael Stifel Centre for Data-Driven and Simulation Science Jena.

Categories: Intellectual Property Services, Patents, Competitive Intelligence




Shortcomings On The Market For Intellectual Property - Qualitative study among intellectual property service providers on various problems related to intellectual property markets.



Tonisson, L.; Maicher, L.; Millier, R.

Shortcomings On The Market For Intellectual Property - Qualitative study among intellectual property service providers on various problems related to intellectual property markets.External link

Fraunhofer MOEZ Working Papers, issue 1/2016.

Categories: Intellectual Property Services, IPR Market  





Akademisches Unternehmertum aus den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften in Deutschland und Polen - Eine vergleichende Analyse (AKUT-GSW)

Maicher, L.; Rośkiewicz, W.; Kehrer, J.; Friebel, P.; Kwieciński, L.; Młodzinska-Granek, A.  

Akademisches Unternehmertum aus den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften in Deutschland und Polen - Eine vergleichende Analyse (AKUT-GSW)External link  

Working Paper. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.29301.58080.  

Categories: Entrepreneurship, SMEs    

Zukunftschance Digitalisierung - Ein Wegweiser




Radic, M.; Maicher, L.; Dijk, S.; Große, C.

Zukunftschance Digitalisierung - Ein WegweiserExternal link

Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (ed.), Berlin 2015,doi: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1590.2163.

Categories: SMEs, Digitisation

Clean Technology Industry: Relevance of Patents and Related Service Providers



Tonisson, L.; Maicher, L.

Clean Technology Industry: Relevance of Patents and Related Service ProvidersExternal link

In: González-Prida, V.; Raman, A. (eds.): Promoting Sustainable Practices through Energy Engineering and Asset Management, IGI Global, pp. 263-286.

Categories: Intellectual Property Services, Clean Tech, Patents


Designing innovative tools for improving literacy on intellectual property among SMEs

Viana, J.; Maicher, L.  

Designing innovative tools for improving literacy on intellectual property among SMEs  

In: Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 2014, doi: 10.1080/09537325.2014.987227.  

Categories: Intellectual Property, Literacy, Designing, Online Tools, SMEs      

Fueling the Powerhouse Jena



Maicher, L.; Rötzler, K.; Pänke, O.; Schindek, R.

Fueling the Powerhouse Jena

Conference Paper at the conference "Entrepreneurial Universities - International Good Practice Event", Madrid.

Categories: Technolgy Transfer, Entrepreneurial University  


Industrializing IP Services




Maicher, L.; Tonisson, L.

Industrializing IP Services

In: IPRinfo magazine, 3/2014, pp.20-21.

Categories: Intellectual Property Services, IPR Market    


A Semantic Web Faceted Search System for Facilitating Building of Biodiversity and Ecosystems Services



Laporte, M.-A.; Mougenot, I.; Garnier, E.; Stahl, U.; Maicher, L.; Kattge, J.

A Semantic Web Faceted Search System for Facilitating Building of Biodiversity and Ecosystems Services

In: Galhardas, Rahm (eds.): Data Integration in Live Sciences. Proceedings of DILS 2014, Lisbon, Portugal.

Categories: Data Management, Biodiversity, Semantics


Understanding the Role of Objects in Interactive Innovation

Neyer, A.; Maicher, L.  

Understanding the Role of Objects in Interactive Innovation  

In: Alt, R.; Franczyk, B. (eds.): Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI2013), vol. 1, pp. 539-549.  

Categories: Innovation Management, Open Innovation    

Designing Analytical Approaches for Interactive Competitive Intelligence



Prilop, M.; Tonisson, L.; Maicher, L.

Designing Analytical Approaches for Interactive Competitive Intelligence

In: International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology (IJSSMET), volume 4, issue 2, doi: 10.4018/jssmet.2013040103.

Categories: Competitive Intelligence, Design Sciences, Data Analytics, Intellectual Property Services

Geistiges Eigentum professionell nutzen


Posselt, T.; Maicher, L.

Geistiges Eigentum professionell nutzen

In: Garn, M.; Schleidt, D.: Jahrbuch Innovation 2013, F.A.Z.-Institut, pp. 26-27.

Categories: Intellectual Property Services


IPST - a classification of Intellectual Property Related Services

Tonisson, L.; Maicher, L.  

IPST - a classification of Intellectual Property Related Services  

Poster at the OECD Conference Patent Statistics for Decision Makers (PSDM 2012), Paris.  

Categories: Intellectual Property Services    

Creating an organised IP rights market in Europe



Bader, M.; Gassmann, O.; Jha, P.; Liegler, F.; Maicher, L.; Posselt, P.; Preissler, P.; Rüther, F.; Wabra, S.

Creating an organised IP rights market in Europe

In: Intellectual Asset Management, July/August 2012, pp. 33-38.

Categories: Intellectual Property Market, Technology Transfer

Unter Zugzwang. Warum geistiges Eigentum eine wesentliche Rolle für die Wettbewerbskraft spielt





Posselt, T.; Maicher, L.; Jha, P.

Unter Zugzwang. Warum geistiges Eigentum eine wesentliche Rolle für die Wettbewerbskraft spielt

In: Innovationsmanager, Juni 2012, S. 32-33.

Categories: Intellectual Property Market  

Patents, their importance and valuation methods




Tonisson, L.; Maicher, L.

Patents, their importance and valuation methods

Fraunhofer MOEZ Working Papers, issue 3/2012.

Categories: Patent Valuation  

Service profiling - a method for data-driven competitive intelligence in service industries



Prilop, M.; Tonisson, L.; Maicher, L.

Service profiling - a method for data-driven competitive intelligence in service industries

In: Meyer, K.; Abdelkafi, N. (eds.): Smart Services and Service Science - Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Services Science, Leipzig (Germany), September 25, 2012, Leipziger Beiträge zur Informatik, Band 36, LIV/InfAI, Leipzig. ISBN: 978-3-941608-23-8.

Categories: Competitive Intelligence, Data Analytics, Intellectual Property Services


Creating a financial market for IPR in Europe

Universität St. Gallen, Fraunhofer MOEZ

Creating a financial market for IPR in Europe  

Final Report for European Commission to EU Tender No 3/PP/ENT/CIP/10/A/NO2S003, (Chapter 9).  

Categories: Intellectual Property Market