
Technology Transfer Research Group at FSU Jena


Head: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Lutz Maicher

The Technology Transfer Research Group is dedicated to the improvement of technology transfer processes. We design and implement innovative, data-driven tools for enhancing knowledge flows between and within organisations.

We understand technology transfer as strategic information management. We collect, analyse and visualize data with the goal of supporting decision making in the technology transfer processes.

Technology transfer is part of one of the biggest transformational processes the global economy is faced with: the metamorphosis into the knowledge economy. The importance of knowledge-based capital is ever increasing. Understanding knowledge-based capital and assessing its impact in concrete situations is crucial for successful technology transfer. We are working on methods and tools for improved mapping and assessment of knowledge-based capital within the organisations and within their competitive environment.



Prof. Dr. Lutz Maicher was appointed to the HTWK Leipzig

On April 1. Prof. Dr. Lutz Maicher starts as professor at the HTWK Leipzig. Learn more hereExternal link.


Launch samarbeid Website

In february 2022 the samarbeid website went online. Samarbeid is an digital and innovative tool for joint work in organizations willing to digitize but with little digital competence. For more information visit the samarbeid-WebsiteExternal link.


Technologieallianz conference 2021
In may 2021 the digital tool samarbeid was presented by Prof. Dr. Maicher at the Technologieallianz conference. Learn more here

News from: 30.07.2021


CAPPA dataset release as Open Data
The CAPPA Dataset has been released as open data and cointains anonymised information on the career paths of patent attorneys registered with the EPO.Learn more here  

News from: 03.07.2019  


Professor Maicher became a jury member of the "Telekom EdTech Startup Award"
The "Telekom EdTech Startup Award" is an award that is given to highly innovative start-ups, who are driving the digitization of education through the intelligent use of digital technologies. Deadline for application is the 31. August 2018.  Learn more here  

News from: 12.07.2018 18:58  


Project „HoTSpot“ started June 2018
The Technology Transfer Research Group's latest project -  HotSpot  - has been launched in June. The project is part of the initiative „Innovationsforen Mittelstand“ funded by BMBF.  Learn more here  

News from: 26.06.2018 11:23

Research Areas

Arbeitsfelder TT

Image: Lutz Maicher


Within the context of the technology transfer practice, the research of the Technology Transfer Research Group is focused on the design of Technology Transfer Workflows and how these workflows can be supported with IT-based information systems. Read more about our research here.



Gründungsbotschafter - Start-Up Ambassador


Image: Lutz Maicher


Have you ever thought of founding a start-up? Have you sometime felt overwhelmed by the abundance of aspects to keep in mind when founding your business? Prof. Lutz Maicher, Start-Up AmbassadorExternal link at the Department of Computer ScienceExternal link is here to assist you. He will support you with your ideas for business, be they grown out of research or came to you during your studies.

Through his association with the K1 Founders' Service and his own research in the field of technology transfer and teaching experience with the units on start-up founding, Prof. Maicher can assist in multitude of ways ranging from fitting your idea in a business canvas model to accessing his network in the start-up scene of Jena.

As he teaches the course in founding, you are well positioned to benefit from the insights and competence in the highly selective pool of students in his classes as well. Do not hesitate to contact us under



  • K1 Gründerservice
    "K1 Gründerservice" and NUCLEUS
  • IDV
    Member of German Centre f. Biodiversity Research
  • Michael Stifel Center Jena
    Member of Michael Stifel Center Jena
  • Schumpeter Zentrum
    Member of Schumpeter Centre

Postal Address

Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Institut für Informatik
Juniorprofessur für Technologietransfer
Ernst-Abbe-Platz 2
07743 Jena  


Cornelia Müsse
Room: 3244
Phone: +49-3641- 9-46301
Fax: +49-3641-9-46302
The secretariat's office hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00-11:00 and 13:00-15:00
Lutz Maicher office hours: please make an appointment